Help..Popping, tinging noise???


New Member
Jan 20, 2010
Mooresville , NC
Well I got really bad driveline vibration around 65 -75, tonight as I was going down the interstate at about 70 I heard this light popping kinda crackling noise coming from what sounds like my t-case area. Right under my shifter when I slowed down to about 60 I could barely here it then the slower I got it went away. So I got to the store and checked my U-jopints and they don't seem to be loose or have any play, but my slip joint in my front shaft has play in it I can shake it back and forth approx 1/4 " . I really need any suggestions on this cause this is my DD and I don't want to throw a shaft trying to get to work..Thank's in advance.
Take the front driveshaft out of the vehicle and drive again. If the noise goes away, it is the front shaft and/or those ujoints. If it does not go away, it is something else.