Help with buying an ATV for my Daughter


Big or Small We Serve Them All
Dec 9, 2012
Eden NC
My Daughter is 5 years old. I am thinking about buying her a little gas powered 50cc or 80cc atv to get her started. I have looked online at these things and there is so many chinese made atvs its crazy! Then i seen that Polaris has a childrens atv but the price is nuts because she will one day grow out of it. The chinese atv's are from 400 up and the polaris was like 2500. I know polaris is a good brand but i can buy 5 of the chinese atv's for what i can one polaris. Any ideas? The problem is thinking about the next 5 years she will out grow this stage and want a bigger ride. She has sparked a huge interest in them and has driven one and she loved it but i don't really know what is best for her age group or what may be recommended?
i would stay with a brand name. she might out grow it but atleast u can sell it and recoup some of of your money back. those chinese models are cheap and really a throw away.i have seen alot of trouble from them. seems u spend more than u paid for it keeping it running. i personally like the honda 90.
i would stay with a brand name. she might out grow it but atleast u can sell it and recoup some of of your money back. those chinese models are cheap and really a throw away.i have seen alot of trouble from them. seems u spend more than u paid for it keeping it running. i personally like the honda 90.
i bought the honda ex 90 brand new for my kids back in 2006.still have it, awesome machine,i myself still ride it all over
I bought my daughters a couple of Eton's back in 2004 when they were younger, a 90 and 150. The 90 was a great machine. I sold it to my wife niece for her young son and he still beats the crap out f it today.
if you buy from a bigger brand keep her age on the down low. per our gov't many age restrictions habve been placed on four wheelers, not so on bikes yet.
My first poste got lost or I messed it up. It basically said keep your childrens age on the down low while purchasing. Here is why..

copy and paste from another sight, and yes they have the right to persue legal action, especially on forest service land.
hope this helps
State Laws:

  • No one under age 8 may operate an ATV.
  • Children under age 12 may only operate an ATV under 70cc.
  • Children under age 16 may only operate an ATV 90cc or less.
  • Children under age 16 must be supervised by a person at least age 18.
  • Passengers may not be carried unless the ATV was designed to carry passengers.
  • All ATV operators must wear helmet and eye protection.
  • ATV use on public streets and highways is prohibited except to cross.
  • No ATV shall be operated without a lighted headlight and taillight from ½ hour after sunset to ½ hour before sunrise.
  • Effective October 1, 2006, every ATV operator born on or after January 1, 1990, must have an ATV safety certificate.
  • Persons using ATVs for farming, hunting or trapping are exempt from the law’s provisions.
State Agency that Regulates ATVs: None.
Training: Click here to learn how to enroll in an ATV safety training course near you!
Legislation: To view North Carolina's state ATV laws, click here
Stay away from the chinese junk. Buy a used Honda, Yamaha etc that has been maintained. There are a lot of 5-10 yrs old machines for sale with VERY low hours that are in great condition.
And just be aware, if they get hurt on one and the Fire Dept. is called, a Deputy will be sent to check their age. Atleast thats the way Guilford Co works.

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Yea I wasn't trying to take your role as the one who decides whats best for your house, (like our gov't did) just a good heads up because they can andwill cause you considerable grief if the wrong ego gets ahold of a given situation or info. I put my young son on two wheels partly because I prefer bike but the other was no law restrictions for nosey neighbors to turn me in over. plus Brown, Uwharrie, and private owned clubs like Brushy Mt. and Adventure World don't have to inforce the stupid law on my family. Not to mention if you go riding on somebodies land thats up and up til someone gets hurt badely and the insurance gets involved denies care and so on because somebody broke a stupidly written law. This was the main reason, accidents happen and If it hits the fan I want to be able to afford the best health care I can and not worry about a lamely considered law.
Stay away from the chinese junk. Buy a used Honda, Yamaha etc that has been maintained. There are a lot of 5-10 yrs old machines for sale with VERY low hours that are in great condition.
I also aggree here, cause I got one of those very lightly used small bikes now that I need to sell, since this Christmas my son gets a clutch an 50 more cc's to play with.:wheel: