Help with rear shock mounts

Not sure for ur application but jks makes crossover shock mounts.. also thats a pretty simple setup to make just cut you two pieces of plate and measure how far the distance between frame rails (minus your plate thickness) cut whatever you want to use Id use some 1/4 thick x 2" square tubing weld to the plates then drill two holes or more if you want to adjust and then make a mark same distance on frame rails and either weld it or bolt into place. get some bolts to mount your shocks up and your good to go, also make sure your shocks are small enough that when they are lowerd to your new mount you have enough up travel
Please don't mount them like that, you loose a ton of dampening and the shocks wont last very long at all. Im saying this based off personal experience.
How much lift are you netting from the 63's? Long shackles? Blocks? Do you still have a bed and would you mind the shocks coming through the bed? Can you send me a picture of what you're working with first. Thanks
I would also advise against mounting them like that. It simply isn't the way they were designed to be mounted. Sounds like CT knows whats up.
i got 4 inch blocks here my bed i have 63s on it now with the blocks
My hoops seems to work pretty well...but it's not quite tall enough. I'm going to cut it off saturday and make it about 3" taller because my shocks are bottoming out.
what size tires are those? do you realy need to use lift blocks? i think my ruf/63 sas gave me like 4.5" of lift alone and yotas clear 33s stock
not that it realy helps your problam. if i lived closer to char town i would help you. i am about to do the same thing to my runner like in your link except not with this /\ angle more like this| |