HELPP!!! zj trannyy


Feb 25, 2011
Ayden, NC
i dont no alot about transmissions but it seems like my tranny is shot. it just started last night. but when i put it in Park it idles real low( like 0-200 RPM), Reverse and it idles the same and doesnt move at all( when u press the gas it doesnt want to idle up, on the floor and its around 1500rpms), Neutral it idles fine but rolls forward in first gear. Drive and it drives prefectly fine( no shift problems or noices), and 2 and 1 are just like normal. Yall have ANY ideas of what could be happening?
sorry. 1995 Jeep grand cherokee larado, 4.0, not sure exactly which tranny. but my uncle( a mechanic for his life) told me my tranny is shot
95 Grand Cherokee

Hey, while Ur at it, might as well list the milage, & if its ever been serviced. I picked up a 95 GC, with 200k on it. Haven't left the yard;= slips real bad in high range, but moves fairly well in low range. I call it "Shot". Getting ready to sell as is, or part. 4.0. lol
i bought a rebuilt transmission from jennings in goldsboro alitttle over a year and a half ago so i have around 10,000 miles on this one and 183,xxx on the jeep it self. i think im just going to get one out of the junkyard instead of replacing parts and hoping it works but thanks for the help guys
That was suggested to me also! I asked my friend, how am I suppose to know what I'm getting; more junk? Sure junkyard might warrant it, but how many times do you want to take one out, put one in, to find one that works. You get lucky, the first one works, For how long. Did you say you had yours a year? If it was a rebuild, I'd be going back, for a free do over. Of course, they might say, no warrant on OFF Road, or you abused it! I'm just saying, if I can't drive it first, I'm not buying used! LOL
yeah ive thought about all of them things man. but the warrenty just ran out on mine like 2 months ago. but im not going to buy another rebuilt one to spend 1500 or whatever on it and have it fuck up again. there are junkyards that you can pull it yourself on a saterday and if you can carry it out it costs 50 bucks, or have a friend help thats only 100 bucks for a tranny
Very few people can rebuild an automatic transmission properly, I had to learn that the hard way. I will never again have a Trans rebuilt I will spend the extra money and get remanufactured Trans from Jasper or the likes.

If you do decide to go with a junk yard tranny pay close attention to the mileage. I found junk yards will sell them even if they have 150,000 on them. I can't see it being worth the work or money to take out one 100,000 plus trans and replace it with another 100,000 plus trans. The only way I would use a junk yard trans if it has under 75,000 miles then I would still wonder how long it will last.
i hate jasper transmissions. they suck, and do nothing but piss off real transmission builders.

No offense but if your going bash a competitor it is pretty childish just to say they suck and not back it up with something substantial.

I can not speak to your abilities as a transmission builder because I have never done business with you. You may very well be one of the few who can rebuild a transmission. However I can speak to my experience with other so called reputable tranmission builders and it sucked. Both times I had a transmission rebuilt they failed with in 2 months of being rebuilt. That was with two differnet vehicles one a 99 blazer and the other a 98 dodge 4x4.

I sold the blazer after putting a junk yard tranny in it. The 98 dodge 4x4 I did some research and found that Jasper advertised they fixed dodges screw up in the mid 90's tranny. This fix included

**JASPER installs a line to the pressure regulator valve to supply
more fluid to the lube circuit than the original.
1. For increased durability, JASPER has upgraded the overdrive
planetary to a 5 pinion planet.
2. The direct clutch thrust plate has been updated for longer clutch
3. The waffle plate has been removed for a better third to fourth
4. The overdrive clutch has been updated to a 5 plate clutch, and the
direct clutch has been updated to an 8 plate clutch. This was done
for increased torque capacity.
5. NEW billet low/reverse piston & steel reaction pin are installed
to upgrade a weak OEM design. This upgrade prevents piston/pin
breakage and utilizes an O-ring to prevent pressure loss.

I'm sure you do all these things to the Dodge 46RH trans and not just a standard rebuild as the first shop did for my transmission that allowed it to run for less 3000 miles before it died again. I ran the Jasper trans for another 100,000 miles and it was still pulling strong when I sold the truck. Now if you’ve had a different experience with Jasper please share.
the reason i didn't get into specifics, is most wouldn't understand what i was saying anyway. but here it goes anyway.

jaspers increased pressure regulator is an oversized valve they use, they bore the valve body (pressure regulator circuit) and use an aluminium valve, the valve wears out or scars and the valve body is now junk because they are the only ones that produce that size valve.(so when a jasper unit come in my shop the valve body usually get thrown in the trash)

the 5 pinion planet is a common upgrade (the 4 pinion planet is just fine unless you are pushing mega-horsepower)

the direct clutch thrust plate is smoke and mirrors, it's just a machined plate that replaces the original one that works just fine if the direct clutch is stacked properly to begin with.

there is no "waffle" plate in the fourth gear clutches, the only "waffle" which is called a bellville spring is in the forward drum and it can't be removed unless you want to put u-joints in every 3 months.

the overdrive clutch can be updated to 6 clutches by changing the pressure plate

the direct od clutches can be either 6 or 8 clutches depending on the factory application of your trans,but can all be upgraded to 8 by changing the pressure plate.

the billet low/rev servo piston is nothing new, they have been using them since the 70's instead of the standard chrysler plastic one.

jasper machines a lot of there parts and uses their "own" bushings that are made "in house", when their units burn up and come to me, i have no option but to throw thier junk in the trash because there is no way to replace thier bushing. they do this on purpose so their units can't be rebuilt easily.

i wasn't saying their transmissions were junk from the consumers standpoint, they are junk from a rebuilders standpoint. when you bring me a jasper unit to rebuild, it creates a lot of hassle and in turn costs the consumer more money because of unneeded parts replacement because they decided to "re-engineer" the trans.

as far as my response being childish,
i just sat here typing for 10 minutes,in a thread where the guy is going to buy a junkyard unit and waste his time putting it in , dump new fluid in it and end up with a junk trans.

if it were a thread about the differences in transmission rebuilding, i would have explained myself before i made the comment.
i am not in the business of bashing other business, anyone that knows me can tell you that, but when a tear a jasper unit apart and the only thing salvageable is the case, someone needs to question their builing practices.

jasper is not my competitor, i have no competitors. you can take your vehicle where ever you want, i don't care. my business is just fine without caring what the other shops around are doing.
Transman I did mean to sound like I wanted debate you about transmissions. I say this because it is a debate I would lose because I know little to nothing about the internal workings of a Automatic trans.

I can see your point about why Jasper sucks for you but the impression you made with your initial post was jaspers transmissions suck. Just because they take the time to try and correct the issues which caused the transmission to fail in the first place does not mean they suck. From my experience most transmission guys think it is good enough just to order rebuild kit and stick it in never addressing the issues that caused the trans to fail in the first place. Which I think makes them suck and not know what they are doing.

I am pro Dodge all the way I have owned them the last 15 years but even I admit the mid to late 90's 4x4 trans was crap I had two 98's and a 2000 and all three had trans failures before 80,000 miles. The two 98's failed the exacted same way by melting down the over drive unit, the 2000 had something go wrong with the pump. So in my opinion if Jaspers "re-engineering" addressing these issues, I am more than happy to take a chance on it costing me more later to have the trans re-built. (I don’t have a lot of concern with that because as I have said previously I will never pay to have a trans rebuilt again)
the 2 units that had overdrive failure were most likely not the transmissions fault(or the builder) it sounds as if whoever installed it didn't replace the one way checkvalve in the cooling line. (although i can't speak for whoever built them)
you can get your transmissions from whoever you please, i would just prefer to have a unit built by one person instead of an assembly line, whenever you get assembly line units, there is always the risk of monday and friday units.

jasper isn't machining things and creating their own parts to try to make them better, they are doing it so no one else can work on them. if it was trying to fix the underlying problem, they would just simply buy the same parts i do. (for example, the pos regulator valve they ruin the valve body with, the same thing can be done by drilling a 1/16th hole in the relief side of the pressure regulator passage, instead they chose to ruin the valve body for the next person)
a transmission builder is like any other car mechanic as far as quality goes. there are good one's who really know their stuff and take the time to build it right and then there are the guys that just slap sh#t together. see what type of warranty the builder gives and how knowledgable they seem before doing business with them. also check the better business bureau and see if they are a member of ATRA (automatic transmission rebuilders association). these can be signs of a quality shop.

"jasper" doesn't mean its necessarly "better".
well my transmissions works now. right when it messed up i was backin our of a driveway and kinda put it in drive real fast and hit the gas hard, so i was just out in my backyard messin wit it and i was rolling forward and i pushed it into reverse while going forward and it made a clunk noise then everything started to work perfect. im really confused about it but extremely happy!! haha but do yall have any idea what my problem coulda been?