High Pinion 9"


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
Mount Holly, NC
Anybody on here ever messed with any? Im looking at doing my Exploder. Got everything else fixed up where its not breaking just keep taking out rear driveshafts cause they hang down so low and get hit.

So looking at doing a high pinion 9" and a thick walled driveshaft should take care of it.

The options I have seen are The currie case, yukon case, and true hi9. Id love the true hi9 but its a lot of coin.

So has anybody had any experience with the currie or yukon case?

Plan to also get a arb to go in it also to match the front. Should I got ahead and step up to 35 spline or stick with the 31 spline stuff I have now. 35 wouldnt be much more to go ahead and step up too.
I had the same problem. But I won't do a HP in the rear. I put a yoke guard on and a traction bar to limit rotation and haven't broken a shaft since. yes I've gotten hung up. yes it does drag.

For front you'd be fine.

FWIW i would do the hi9. The currie and yukon units have 8.8 gears in a custom casting. This is a standard gear set that come is in a front Ford Expedition. That is how they are able to do it because the gears are already produced. hi9 has their gears made.

As far as experience I've set up a couple currie cases with arb's and really they did fine, no problems. 35's. but I need piece of mind in my personal rig.