Highrock Raceway


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Winston-Salem, NC
I talked with some of the people that where working with this project about a year ago and it looks like they have started building it.

It is located beside I-85 south just as you cross the Yadken River and should be open in late 08.
I live within a mile of there. If the developer can get along with the county planning people, it might actually happen. There have already been a couple stop-work orders from the environmental dept of the state because they were doing grading near wetlands without a permit. I think they are set on go again.
The area desperately needs this as an economic boost so I definitely hope it comes to reality. I don't see it this year, as the old mill is still a pile of rubble, and no construction has even begun yet other than grading. It would be a welcome addition to an area that has pretty much fallen by the wayside as far as development goes.
I'm really hoping for this as well. A big reason thay are doing it is in hopes of "renting" it to the Nascar teams for practice.

Just would need to find a friend with a car for open track days :) I guess I could take the moped down there though...

30 minutes from the house, dang that would be awesome...
Theyve been talking about this for a few years now, but it'd be nice to actually see it come to fruition.
Check out article in www.salisburypost.com (2/15/08)

Another stop-work order issued - developer took a permit to cut brush and cleared a couple hundred acres of trees - this might never get built if he doesn't get along with the govt people that issue the building permits!
The plan has been set for a while for this track. But like most of the posts have said...there have been numerous stopwork orders. This would be a huge boost to the area since the textile mills closed and a great addition to motorsports enthusiasts in NC.

Right now all we have is Carolina Motorsports Park in Kershaw, SC or VIR...Road Atlanta isnt too far either. It would be a fun place to go and close by for Track Days in the M3.