Hiking/Backpacking with Toddlers


DEI Hire
Mar 24, 2005
Stanley, NC
Took the kiddo on his first real hiking trip on Memorial Day. Carried him up Kings Pinnacle in Crowders Mountain State Park. I really enjoyed it and so did he. He smiled and laughed most of the time, and was even hanging out the side of the pack waving at people on the way back down the mountain. So now I'm trying to talk the wife into a backpacking or at least primitive car camping trip. Who here has done it and what are your tips, tricks, and unexpected complications?

And of course the obligatory kid pic:
You look sweaty.
There will be no backpacking for us due to my wife having three vertebrae fused in her neck, so she cannot carry a pack. We used to do a lot of hiking with our boy on my back. He loved it. The transition from him in the backpack to him hiking was a little rough because he wanted me to still carry him. He is 5.5 yrs old now and has hiked up to 6 miles. We also did a lot of biking with him in a seat mounted on the back of my bike. He has graduated from the bike seat to a tag-a-long bike now and loves it.

He is probably about 8 months old in this picture, which was taken at the observation tower on Moore's Wall Loop Trail at Hanging Rock:

Here he is at about 1 year old in the bike seat:

About to turn 4 yrs old here on the tag-a-long:
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We went to linville falls over memorial day and hiked down to the gorge with our 2 year old. Trail was .7 miles and listed as difficult but I wanted to go to the bottom so she could play in the water. We passed several people on the way down that commented we were ambitious but we hadn't been on the trail and didn't really know what we were getting ourselves into. Parts of it were tough but we made it down and back. She loved it and I loved. Wife not as much since she is allergic to pretty much everything outdoors. We didn't use a pack. She wanted to walk the whole time and climb the rocks and roots. Carrying her up the trial was a little tough.


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Looking forward to taking my 3.5yo camping with us in the next few weeks. We are pretty dedicated to car camping. But, we stay in a tent. I hope she sleeps. But, she'll probably be so worn out from playing and exploring that it won't be a problem.

Her little sister is ready to go too and she's only 18months. She's going to be a tough little lass.
I've been hiking with my kids (5 and 2) since the older one was less than a year. It's a great time for kids and parents in my opinion. My eldest asked me a week or so ago when we could go hiking again.... that made me feel like a good dad.

The best advice I have is just to go do it. Stay close to home at first in case it goes south your plan b is close by. The more you get out and go the more you learn what works for you.
Here is a tip for taking little ones hiking. Bring PLENTY of snacks and juice for them. Take multiple breaks to let them rest.
My family loves hiking. This is a pic from the top of Looking Glass Rock in Pisgah. My boy was 5 years old in this pic. He hiked this trail the first time at 4 years old. Never had to carry him, never complained. All the way up and back. Had a blast!
We camp at UNF but as for hiking...my 6 year old little girl prefers the motorcycle just like her lazyass dad.

"Video unavailable". But I also prefer the dirt bike. I figure 14 months is a little on the young side though, gotta give him at least another 6 months or so before he's ready for that
We have hiked several times over the years and all of this holds true. She is 9 now and carries her own pack but still has to be occasionally carried. Just take your time and enjoy yourselves.

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My kids LOVED riding around on my back. When Jonas was ~2.5, we took a 2 week trip to England, he went everywhere riding on one of us. Used to use an Ergo.
Delaney (now 5) loved riding in the framed backpack up through last year too, even just for a walk around the block. Now she's way too big. Unfortunately we don't get out for real hikes so much as a family b/c at the age of 5.5, she loves the outdoor hike but her attention and endurance for a reasonable hike just isn't there.
Now that Jonas is into Boy Scouts, I'm stoked about getting into backpacking w/ him. I love backpacking trips, especially real wilderness hiking, but the family isn't up for that.

X2 on Father's Day hikes...
My son is three, he loves going on the local nature trails, but we haven't taken him on any of the hiking trails we used to frequent. He's to heavy to lug around and a little to spastic to let run. I think next year we may head up to a few trails in Pisgah. I do plan on trying some primitive camping this year. Even if it's just in the woods behind the house...
We took my 5 yr old and 2 yr old hiking on the Window Falls trail last year. They did pretty well with the hiking, but were getting tired toward the end for sure. Took our time and ate lunch at one of the picnic tables afterwards. I'm looking forward to doing it again soon.