Just shipped a package for the raffle. $50 gift certificate, $150 off a chassis gift certificate, stickers, shirts, 2 sets of fully welded Frame side upper link mounts for doing a four link kit, Gusset set, bunch of trick tabs and misc. Have fun and get good vids. Unfortunately the M&M crew will not be able to make it out.
Parts finally came in to get buggy back together today.
This weekend is jammed but I see a week of late nights this week...and I am going to break in a fresh R&P on that hill!
I got a whole pile of parts in the floor too!! I too will be breaking in a new pair of R&Ps and a new set of tars!! This week will have a few late nights for me too!! See you guys sat!!
Commando? Check.
WAO Switch is stuck in the on position...Ill weld it there to be safe.
Rev who?
And ditto on the sense...
In the infamous words of Al Bundy, "Lets Rock"...