ok, I want to get a special kind of piercing. It is on my genitals and requires a medical doctor to perform the procedure. Since it is a medical procedure my heath insurance has to pay for it, doesn't it? I mean, I could just go without getting the piercing (or not show my junk to your wife/girlfriend and not need the piercing) and no one would have to pay anything, but since it is a medical procedure a doctor has to be paid. Since you are providing my heath care you have to pay for it, I don't care if you say that it is against your beliefs, not necessary, and I could pay for it myself if I really want it. You have to spend your money the way I dictate, because that is what free heath care means. I get any medical treatment I want for free to me, not to you. (Oh, and that splinter in your eye needs to be taken care of too.)
No one is saying that they can't murder the egg. Some people do not want to be forced to pay for murdering the egg. It isn't about the killing of the egg, it's who is responsible for the killing of the egg. If I am forced to pay for the murder, then I am the one causing the murder. I feel that if they want to murder the egg they should do it themselves, or not get into the position of having to choose between murdering the egg or raising a kid. (Rape or incest are special cases where you may be able to kill the egg/sperm before fertilization if acknowledged in time)
This is referring to the cases where people get drunk and f&%k, then worry about it the next day or week. That is people being stupid, and then expecting their employer to fix it for them. They should practice personal responsibility, or be responsible for the outcome themselves.