Fucking up a shock tune and fucking up an engine tune can lead to very different financial outcomes.
Sending a rod through a block isn't cheap.
What's wrong with datalogging with the handheld ?
You’re right. Replacing an engine is way cheaper than a yard sale in the whoops at 70.
That’s where some general tuning knowledge plays a big role. Knowing target afr and how to read plugs to know timing limitations is huge.
Knowing max rpm with a limiter is very beneficial.
More new windows in ls blocks are from stroker LS cranks than from poor tunes.
At least with engine tuning you have sensors to read data, most shock packages don’t have a plethora of psi sensors verifying theories vs outcomes.
As far as the handheld tuning, it’s garbage. Then add in the sd card datalogging and mailing the sd card(s) back and forth. What is it 1998
. At minimum still need to download as card and send logs, then have to download new tune to add card and push it thru hand held.
A couple times of that frustration and you are at the $100 for a can-usb cord and some free software
There is no magic to tuning. Whether shock or engine.
It’s make changes, note outcome, make more changes, repeat.
Get the outcome to achieve the desired expectation.
Knowledge gets you there.
Experience gets you there quicker.
On top of that, knowing the systems at work helps to avoid quirks and anomaly’s and why/when they show up and how to reconcile them.