Home heating oil/Fuel


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Oct 22, 2005
Was curious after reading the other thread on HHO for free.It was mention someone could run this in an older style diesel. Was wondering if someone with a 7.3 could run it? I know a guy who has one and also had a LOT of it left over after installing a heat pump. I know it is not legal for one road use, so this is just thinking out loud.
I know for a fact it will run in a 24v Cummins. People in other states get away with alot more than we do here.
My understanding is that HHO is just diesel that is not for highway use. Basically dyed diesel for farms. Now there isnt any difference in the dyed/farm and highway diesel in terms of filtration. But either way you arent SUPPOSED to run it on the highway anyway.....
From the reciept for fillin up my oil tank, it's just off high way diesel so i'd say yes you can. Just not legal because no high way use tax
careful if you try to run the HHO or offroad diesel in newer trucks with DPF (diesel particulate filter) or the AdBlue DEF tanks. These need the ULSD (ultra low sulfur diesel) that came to pumps in 2007 or else the exhaust components will clog up rapidly with high sulfur levels. To simplify distribution, ORD and HHO could in fact be dyed ULSD at some places, but there are no guarantees.
As others said, HHO is offroad diesel to the best of my knowledge. I ran it in my CUCV with the 6.2 for a while with no problems (offroad of course:fuck-you:). Not sure on a 7.3 how it would turn out.

A word of caution, I have been stopped recently by Highway Patrol and had my tank tested. I was on Hwy 40 doing the speed limit minding my own business and bam blue lights. Checked my tag then dipped my tank. I was glad I didn't have HHO in it then!
It will run in a 7.3. Those things will damn near run on piss.

Run it through a filter before puoring in the tank. Make sure there is no water in it.