I personally am REALLY Leary of Home inspectors these days.
First off...they are not required to be liscened anymore. Second...most of them, at least around here, have very little experience to diagnose actual problems. Many are franchises now that just send them out with a computer to prompt the "Inspector" of the next thing to look for.
Inspections are used more by the bank these days as a bargaining tool rather than an actual critical evaluation of a homes structural soundness. It is typically required by the loan officer though.
The "Inspectors" are not liable for anything...and thus its just an opinion.
Sorry for the rant...
I have a buddy in Wake County that may be able to point you in the right direction...let me see if I can get some info for you..expect to throw away $350 -$400 and not get much more than an evaluation that you cant already determine with your naked eye.