home made fan shroud


Grumpy, decrepit Old Man
Mar 20, 2005
Morganton NC
Thinking about making my own fan shroud. Yep going back to a mechanical fan. Anyone make theirs? post up some pics and help an old guy out.
Use a taurus electric with its own shroud, 35 bucks in the boneyard.

Your not that old either.
I Was using the Tarus fan. Had to butcher the grill to get it to fit. Still, little clearance. Broken tranny mount give it just enough movement to get water pump pully into the fan motor. Toast! on lower 2. So, I am gonna go back to mechanical fan that served me well for so many years.
chip ive had good luck over the years with using a large GM shroud as a starting point. Id measure up your radiator and hit the bone yard..

With the serp. belt swap everything now spins backwards, so I switched to my elec fan. But I was running a mechanical with a GM intemediate car (Monte sized) V8 shroud, fliped upside down. In stock position the fan blade is higher than the radiator. On mine it was now much lower.

BTW: I'm stitching to a smaller slim line fan, I've got a single speed tarus fan but 35amps continuous to run a fan is a bit much.. If not ill go back to a mechanical
Made one a couple of years ago for a custom Chevy. Sorry no pics though. Mainly just used some Aluminum sheets cut everything to fit and screwed it together. Are you wanting a plastic shroud or metal?
I build my shroud last summer when I was building my new engine. I don't have enough room for a Taurus fan. The factory shroud didn't work after the body lift, so I had to get out the pencil and paper. The fan is the oem 7 blade 19" flex fan. I first built the box to fit the radiator. Then rolled the circle to 21" to give me enough clearance around the blade. My EB has an off set to the raditator so that the center of the blade is not in the core. That took some fab work but nothing too involved.


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Yes that's awesome! But the issue I am having is picturing what to connect it to in my Heep.
Don I think the Cheby will be a little large for me to use or use as a template. But thanks.
If plastic it would have to be pretty rigid. I am thinking the aluminum would be my best bet. Or maybe sheet metal, but I for see it rusting and looking bad.
Anyone else more pics???