

New Member
Jul 1, 2009
Just wanted to see who checked out the new game Homefront. I couldn't decide what system to get it on but I eventually purchased it on XBOX 360. I personally think I threw away $65.
The campaign is ok, but graphics aren't that good and I don't really like the huge maps on the multiplayer. (32 players, and 20-25 are snipers.) I probably would like this game better, but it's kinda hard to after playing COD Black Ops. Just my opinion but I think this game should have been a rent before buying. I know it's my loss, but I thought it was going to live up to all the build up it had.
On a side note,has anyone gotten anything decent lately?The last game I bought was Force Unleashed two.I was really let down with it.It's fun if you enjoy Blinding Punishing and slaughtering Storm Troopers.Other than that,the story was seriously lacking and I finished the game in 3 hours.
Good stuff lately (all for 360)

Red Dead Redemption

arcade from XBL

TrialsHD, but its extremely annoying. Tons of fun though.
After Burner Climax (short arcade port, but really cool).
Shadow Complex
Toy Soldiers
I was thinking about Red Dead Redemption.How is DOA 4?I think I would enjoy Popping Zombies with a Shotgun.
The last new game that I played was Sniper Ghost Warrior, it's 50/50 on the reviews but if you like a game where you have to stealth, hide, one shot one kill then this game is pretty fun. Other than that I finished up this game called "Amnesia, The Dark Decent". This is a game you definitely want to play after it's dark out, put some headphones on, and turn the lights off in your house. This game scared the crap out of me more than a few times. I would say it's a great game if you like a.) being scared or b.) like being scared trying to solve puzzles while running away from these crazy looking beings that will pretty much pwn your face if they catch you.
Cool,Red Dead redemption it is.Thanks!!
Cool,Red Dead redemption it is.Thanks!!

Be prepared, it is a LONG and engaging game. Also, make sure you get the DLC for it, with all the extra stuff, I believe its 1600 points on XBL.

The Undead Nightmare pack is really cool, and the zombies aren't your normal slow ones, they are really fast.
Be prepared, it is a LONG and engaging game. Also, make sure you get the DLC for it, with all the extra stuff, I believe its 1600 points on XBL.
The Undead Nightmare pack is really cool, and the zombies aren't your normal slow ones, they are really fast.
