I'll pass this on to you and do with it what you want. Buying the cheapest isn't always the best, as with a lot of things in life you get what you pay for. I must admitt on most every house I've owned (or still own) I thought much like you are , "what's the cheapest?". Insurance is always an afterthought when homebuying and that's ok if you never need to use it. I recently had a house burn pretty good, $110k in damage. Luckly I had been dealing with a knowledgable agent who suggested that I up the coverage on this particular house because it had appreciated a great deal in the last several years, she also recommended upping it because it was located in a historical district and could not be rebuilt to the nieghborhood standards for the amount of coverage that the bank forced me to carry on it. Thank god I did or I would be in a world of shit now trying to rebuild it. I also never really read my policies very carefully on any of my houses, me being a typical dumbass just looked at insurance as a hassel the bank put me through and I would probably never need it. After this has happened I've gone through all my policies for properties, read carefully , and upped coverage or modified coverage on all of them in one way or another.
With all that said, please compare coverage and not only price, if you live there for several years and the property increases in value a signifcant amount, do yourself a favor and up the coverage, adding additional coverage is really quite cheap, mine went up $100 a year(and its tax deductable) for an additional 80k in coverage, as an example.Insurance is not something to be taken lightly or bought without a good amount of research and comparing. There's my .02...good luck with your new house.
I wanted to add also, to those who read this that rent, BUY RENTERS INSURANCE. The guys renting the house from me (that burned) lost everythig. They had no insurance and nowhere to go, the freaking Red Cross showed up there to help them. It was sad to watch , they were in their mid 20's , kinda just getting started in life( you know , making all the dumbass uneeded purchases with cash from their fist "real" job) and poof..all gone. The stuff is cheap buy it if your renting ,cause your landlords insurance doesn't cover anything of yours period, even if the fire wasn't your fault.