Jason, I can't believe you didn't call or email me.
I read a LOT of BS in the posts above. But I won't criticize.
The heat definitely helped the fuel left in your carb float bowl degrade in 3 weeks. Especially if it had Ethanol, or very old gas to begin with, or what grade and where you got it. Gasoline can be a PITA.
What I do to my EU's at home and at work is to drain the carb if we do not plan on using them for more than a few weeks . We also utilize Stabil and other fuel stabilizers and treatments, as well as PM.
Open the access panel and with a medium small flat bit screwdriver you can drain the carb float bowl.
The drain tube comes out of the bottom of the frame a quarter the way to the back on the access panel side.... Near one of it's rubber feet. It is a clear vinyl tube coming from the float bowl.
Please dispose of the gasoline in a responsible environmentally friendly method.
Do not over tighten the screw when retightening.
If you forget and it has been a while and you have trouble starting it... Drain the carb and get some fresh gas in there.
Thanks to our government to meet emissions, and with trying to stay "green", to make customer liked fuel economy good. And to stay cost effective in a highly competitive market, The carburetors on EU 2000s have many tiny orfices.
On our lawn mowers and Pressure washer engines we tell you to turn the fuel valve off and run the carb out. This way when you turn on the fuel valve fresh gas goes to the bowl from the tank.
On EU 2000s for multiple reasons, the fuel valve is tied into the engine stop switch which is why I am telling you to drain your carb. You cannot turn the fuel off and then let the engine run until carb runs out of gas.
I and a colleague of mine made a patent for an auto draining carb that puts the fuel back in the tank when you shut the engine off. But sadly, it is a feature that will cost a little money on previously stated highly comptitive product but is better for the environment than draining your carb.
For multiple reasons, The EU 2000 has a pulser fuel pump... When the carb is Empty, it will take a few good pulls to get fuel moving to fill the carb bowl back up.
You have my email if any more questions.
Best regards to all purchasing Honda's I and my colleagues appreciate feedback, the good and the bad so we can make our customers better product to help them fill their needs.