How do I get rid of pine trees/logs?


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2005
Raleigh, NC
OK, so I cut down two decent sized pine trees last weekend. (50' tall or so)
Figured it would be easy, take em out to Wake County landfill or something and have em ground up, then it's their problem.
Even willing to pay a "small" fee to get rid of them if needed.
Only issue is only way to get them over there is with the jeep and a small trailer, so it's multiple loads. Also I live in Wake County, but just outside of Raleigh limits. So I can't use the city of Raleigh Waste Center over on New Hope.

Anyone here got any idea how to get rid of them? Other than "donating" them to a vacant lot?
Anyone want a bunch of dead pine to have a bonfire?
Are they still in long logs or have you cut them up already?
get somebody to ride with you to the Raleigh Waste Center that lives in city limits. Show their ID for address, you cut trees at their house, right?

I have to do this in Lee County to dump junk at the county recycling centers. I live in the city limits, and the county centers will not take any refuse from city residents, even motor oil. (although, even though I am a town resident, I am also a resident of the county and pay county taxes in addition to city taxes).

Instead of driving 1/2 mile to dump, it's more like 10 miles. So on the occasion that they ask, I just have a friend's county address available and say that's where the junk/oil/whatever came from.
I take stuff to that landfill in Apex off of 55 all the time and not once did they ever check my ID.

But, if the trees are girthy and relatively straight, cut them in 20ft sections and a logging co. will buy them from you and come and haul them away. I had 15 trees taken down at my house, the guy just dropped them. Then I delimbed them, and sold the trunks to a log co. The guy charged me 1500 to just drop the trees then I made 1200 back selling the timber from them, and they were pines.
Already chopped em to short to do that with them.
I thought I could just get rid of them, so they are in about 4-5' lengths. (The length I could pick them up to move them in)
They were also dead pines, so prolly not really good for the lumber.

I guess I'll just get a buddy to ride with me out there that lives in Raleigh limits. Stupid. Since they mulch them up then sell people the mulch.
The was a place/group in Durham that took wood for free to help poor people keep warm.. I forget the name and I'm not sure if they are still taking wood or not..

I gave away a bunch of hardwood on craigslist..
Big Ass bon fire and :beer: fest?
I forget the name and I'm not sure if they are still taking wood or not..
warmth for wake maybe?

iirc, as long as you don't live in the city limits burning yard waste is legal.
iirc, as long as you don't live in the city limits burning yard waste is legal.

Accidents happen, even if you live in the city...

Sorry I stored my gas can too close to my Oxy/Act torches and wooof
Yea, the beer and fire is looking more the option :(
Gotta talk to my neighbors (fire dept types) to figure out wtf I need to do so I don't get fined.

Now to just resist the urge to see how tall I can get the fire :)
Has the be 1000 ft from any occupied struckture (sp?)
Where do you live... what fire district?

On the new hope land fill... you dont have to be a city resident to dump there. You also pay by the tonnage with an $8 min.
Hehe, it's off of Leesville, just past Norwood (north of 540)
If that's the rule, then there are 3 firemen (full time career dudes, not just volunteer) right near me that were breaking that rule this past weekend :)
One of them told me to toss them on his fire, until he realized how much it was. Then he said if I was wiling to stay there until Monday, I'd be free to. Oh well. :(

Coworker is gonna take it for several bonfires up by Kerr/Carr/Buggs Island, whatever you wanna call it. He has some land and they go camping etc up there to fish.
As for the New Hope Landfill, they said they wouldn't take it when i called their number from the web?
I thought there were no fires allowed in Charlotte until I looked into it. As long as it is a "recreational warming fire" or for the "non-commercial cooking of food" it is ok. You may wanna look into the regulations carefully.
There are two sets of regulations for "controlled burns" set by the state and the US foresty service, if you live within a city they usally have tighter restrictions. The two biggest things about having a "controlled burn" is that they are 1000' from a occupied structure and they do not have man made materials in them. 95% of the time if a fire department is called to an illegal burn they will not fine you unless it is HUGE fire with alot of man made materials.
Be glad your not in W-S! I had enough brush to fill TWO 27' stake trucks (took the flunkies 30 minutes to load with grapple!) last year. Could've burned it in a controlled manner in an afternoon, but instead spent 2 weeks hauling from the back to front. I was told by several fireman (including the chief inspector) that if they saw one wiff of smoke that:

a) wasn't coming from the fireplace/chimney (lower fireplace draws like $#!+ and the upstairs fireplace is much hassle with the carpet)
b) wasn't coming from one of those dinky "chiminea's" (would have taken Months... if not years)
c) wasn't coming from a "brick & motor wood fired BBQ". They did say that I could build a "BBQ", but it had to be motored together (not just stacked cinderblock :( ) and there'd dang sure better be something cooking on it... wouldn't matter if it was rancid beef from the FoodDog dumpster... just something being "BBQ'd"... (oh, you can bet I thought about it!)

... the fines would be funding a new engine for the nearby station! :shaking:
that would suck?
My two neighbors (to lazy to walk up and talk to the third?) told me if I was burning it, I better:
A wet the ground around it.
B Get lots of beer, cause it's cold, and if they're gonna come over and waste time, they want beer.

Of course they also mentioned it again, that it would burn for a long time. :(
Oh well, like I said, next week it goes away on the back of a buddies truck(well a couple of truckloads), and then it's his problem.

I'll try the New Hope dump when I have all the underbrush from cleaning up my woods.

Thanks, and cheers :)
Living in the middle of nowhere is great! our "Small"subdivision wants us to have fires. something for them to do!! They even donate to our fire pit during Xmas (20 houses top) our house is towards the middle, but the back of the yard is on the main road. The cops even stop by to socialize