How hard would it be to....

Not real difficult, take it one wire at a time. Out of the old one and into to the new one. Same thing with the fuses.
yeah, I was say just take your time and it will come out fine.

I would make sure you have a diagram of all of the wires and what they operate. A good diagram will have the color of the wire and describe its operation.
I suppose it doesnt unplug from the block, if it doesnt get you a butane pocket torch, some good quality solder and heat shrink. Do one wire at a time like these guys are saying and you should be good. Whats wrong with the fuse block you have now?
It only had a few fuses in it and, upon further inspection, it has a few ends already broken. The lettering is gone in a few places, it would be nice to be able to read it!
Yea, there are special tools to remove the terminals frome the block. In some cases you can use a pick set, (Available at AA or AZ) or a pocket screwdriver.