How high is your cholesterol?


overcompensating underachiever
Jan 30, 2008
Burke County (Hildebran)
See if any of you can beat these numbers. Just got my blood work back and my cholesterol is 282 (100-199max) and triglycerides are 420 (0-149max). The way I understand it this is not a good thing:shaking:.I'm only 31 yrs old and about 30 lbs over weight but other than that I'm in descent health. I'm just wondering how someone 350 lbs eating like a pig can have good cholesterol.
What is everyone's take on cholesterol medicine and do many of you take it? I'm just not real trusting of all this new medicines cause for every drug commercial there is a lawyer commercial wanting you to get in on a class action suit cause so and so medicine caused anal failure or some shit. Do you trust your med and if so what kind incase the doc gives me a choice cause what ever he recommends means he's just getting a bigger kick back from that company not necessarly the best medicine. This kinda worries me cause I want to live to take my son and soon to be other son wheeling.
Before getting medicine, just do some simple things: exercise and diet. Not saying you're one of them, but many people throw medicine at a problem that could be solved simply by getting off their ass once in a while.
Mine was in the 260s. Been on Zocor for a few years, now it's 140s. I do try to walk several times a week, but I like my Key Lime pie :)
My numbers from the last two years.

2008: 140 total cholesterol, 46 HDL, TC/HDL ratio=3.0
2007: 135 total cholesterol, 50 HDL, TC/HDL ratio = 2.7

I eat healthy, and exercise regularly.
High cholesterol can be genetic, so check you family history. Mine is a bit high, but I'm not taking any meds, but my dad does. Every time I go to the doctor, they say we need to keep an eye on it, but it never seems to be much of an issue. I could probably get a presription for something if I asked. Lately my work has been giving $50 insurance bonus if we keep the colesterol under a certain number, I always just miss it.
Do you trust your med and if so what kind incase the doc gives me a choice cause what ever he recommends means he's just getting a bigger kick back from that company not necessarly the best medicine. This kinda worries me cause I want to live to take my son and soon to be other son wheeling.

15-20 years ago my numbers were similar to yours. My father died at age 44... his sister at 26. I spent half of my life worrying about this. I'm now twice your age, plus a year, and still getting along fine other than the normal age related aches & pains. I've tried about all the different brands, but Lipitor seems to work best for me. The only one that gave me trouble was Crestor and it made my joints hurt. You & your doctor will have to figure out what works best for you. In the meantime, live your life and try not to worry so much as worrying does you more harm than all the others put together. It's called stress and it's definitely not a good thing.

I don't drink, but here's to a long, happy life! :beer:
Mine was that bad and I quit going to Bojangles everyday. dropped from 320 to 225. Mom has it as well but I am athletic and not overweight at all so I blame genetics.
Before getting medicine, just do some simple things: exercise and diet. Not saying you're one of them, but many people throw medicine at a problem that could be solved simply by getting off their ass once in a while.

I'd rather not take medication. Mine is genetic. My diet is almost none existent and I am 5' 8" and 139lbs.
Before getting medicine, just do some simple things: exercise and diet. Not saying you're one of them, but many people throw medicine at a problem that could be solved simply by getting off their ass once in a while.
x eleventy-billion on that one. Take a month where you do real physical activity at least 3 times a week and watch what you eat. You don't have to be on a strict plan, just steer clear of regularly eating fried stuff, eat fruits and/or veggies for snacks in between meals, watch your portion size and eat until you're full, not stuffed. If you truly want to see a change, it's not that hard to accomplish. Personally, I would do whatever it takes to not have to pop pills to fix my medical problems.
x eleventy-billion on that one. Take a month where you do real physical activity at least 3 times a week and watch what you eat. You don't have to be on a strict plan, just steer clear of regularly eating fried stuff, eat fruits and/or veggies for snacks in between meals, watch your portion size and eat until you're full, not stuffed. If you truly want to see a change, it's not that hard to accomplish. Personally, I would do whatever it takes to not have to pop pills to fix my medical problems.
I'm going to try this and see what happens but I really don't like exercise.
The last time mine was checked was back in 96-97 and they were normal then.No one in my family has problems with it but I'm a pretty big boy and I know I should have it checked.Outside of havin the flu a time or two I can't remember the last time I went to the doctor.:shaking:
I can't remember the last time I went to the doctor.:shaking:

35 so I get a checkup every year around the bday:shaking: Sucks but i have alot of stuff to do later in life:beer:
Your family will thank you!