How many gas cans do you have?


The Jeeper Reaper
Aug 9, 2005
Wake Forest, NC
Seriously, how many gas cans do you own at your house?

The people that moved out of our new house left me a bunch of stuff that they thought I might want. Most of it is decent stuff like a wheelbarrow and a nice garden sprayer, bigwheels for my boys, stuff like that.

But they also left me gas cans. Lots of gas cans. I'm talking 6 gas cans in the shed and 5 gas cans in the workshop. There are three little 2 gallon ones, three of the 5 gallon ones, four of the 6.5 gallon ones, and one 5 gallon diesel one. Once I add in the four I brought (two little ones for lawnmower and quad, two 6.5 gal ones for yard stuff) I now have 15 gas cans sitting in my shed.

They also moved to a new house, so I am assuming they took some with them too. Who needs that many gas cans?

Anyone want to buy some gas cans? :lol:
I have 3 5 gallon old red steel cylinder style Polaris cans. I have 4 military/off road style from the group buy we had on here a couple years back...but those stay in the Bronco. I have 2-3 little 2 gallon plastic cans and 2 5 gallon plastic cans. So I guess that would put me at 11-12...why I have that many, or would need that many, I have no flippin clue.
Maybe they made a habit of running out of gas in their vehicles? Unless you carry a can, you have to buy one, fill it up and take it back to the vehicle. I know this only because my ex used to love to run out of gas. She showed up at one of our first dates on a landscaping truck. She ran out of gas and the landscaper dudes gave her a ride to the restauraunt. :lol:
I probably have at least 10 plastic five gallons ones, one metal safety can, two metal miliary ones, one 1 gal (for chain saw), one 2.5 gal (for chain saw). I don't know how I got so many. I always rolling into camp in Harlan with 10 gal of spare gas for the rig other than that I never use them unless I get some old heating oil for starting brush fires.
Only have one, cause I ran out of gas in a buddies vehicle, damn GM fuel gauges.

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Hopefully they are all not the newer style with the safety fill spout, that would be very nice !

If they are, maybe that's why, you got the safety cans, they took the nonsafe ones, they are protecting you from yourself ! o_O
Maybe they made a habit of running out of gas in their vehicles? Unless you carry a can, you have to buy one, fill it up and take it back to the vehicle. I know this only because my ex used to love to run out of gas. She showed up at one of our first dates on a landscaping truck. She ran out of gas and the landscaper dudes gave her a ride to the restauraunt. :lol:

That's what my wife said. :lol:

My wife has been driving the last 150k miles with a broken gas gauge and never run out of gas once.

Me on the other hand......that's why I have two 6.5 gal ones......:lol:

Not sure if they are the safety cans or not, I'll have to look. Now I am excited about them, maybe I have some good ones! I know the diesel one is an old style, not sure on the rest.
I have 6 of the 5 gallon gas, 3 of the 5 gallon diesel , 3 of the 5 gallon kerosene not to mention numerous small ones for my yard crap.

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Yeah, if they're the old style blitz cans without the stupid nozzles, I'd be interested in a couple.
When we were cleaning up to sell and move out of our old house, my wife was complaining about the number of gas cans that I had. I don't know how I came to accumulate so many, but I did. I think I threw out a couple of the worst condition ones. I still have probably eight of them in various sizes.
I have 2 ratty 5 gal for waste oil 1 5 gal kero 2 or 3 5 gal gas and at least 4 2 gal yard eqiuptment cans in the shed I think they breed there but I haven't seen it
I also have little spitfire english cars better off using a stick to check the level
I have a chain hanging from the ceiling under my front porch (fully enclosed) with the black rubber bungee strap "S" hooks crimped on it and have gas cans hanging off of it like some weird totem pole from floor to 12' ceiling haha probly 20 or more, i have no idea why either, just accumulated them over the years, and there are two of the metal military ones in the shed and 3 five gallon ones that i actually use in the shop.
Hey GotLime?: was it love at first sight? Bwahaha!

I have one 6 gallon diesel can (green, plastic), one 2.5 gallon kerosene can (blue, metal), two 5 gallon gas cans (red, plastic), one 2.5 gallon can (red, plastic), and one 1 gallon can (red, plastic).

Diesel - for my K30 or anything else diesel I use from time to time
5 gallon - 1 for my mower, the other I keep 93 octane in for my four wheeler
2.5 kerosene - sometimes I use an old kerosene heater in the shop
2.5 gas - mixed gas for my Stihl saw
1 gal - mixed for my Echo weedeater

Gotta keep all that stuff separated! Thank the dear baby Jesus, I don't have any of the hippy style safety cans. Mine all have a vent on the back and a regular bendable spout. I also fill them in the back of my truck on a plastic bed liner right after I rub my sock feet on a very fuzzy rug!! :flipoff2:
So it looks like there are only two non-safety cans. And I'm keeping those. :)

But I asked my kids to help me move some of the cans from the shop to the shed. I turned around and found this. Don't worry, they are empty. :lol:

So it looks like there are only two non-safety cans. And I'm keeping those. :)

But I asked my kids to help me move some of the cans from the shop to the shed. I turned around and found this. Don't worry, they are empty. :lol:
View attachment 78422
View attachment 78423

If those are your "safety cans", I'll definitely take them off your hands.
I have 3 gas jugs. Two 1 gallon cans. One has mixed gas, one has straight 93 octane. One 5 gallon can for gas for the lawnmower.
If those are your "safety cans", I'll definitely take them off your hands.

So maybe I'm not up on my gas can lingo. I always assumed the ones with the vented tube like these were the safety cans, and the old ones with the accordion tube and vent cap in the back were the non safety ones?

I'll let some of these go, let me see how many of what I have.
dude them safety cans are stupid aggravating, they have a big dorky hinged valve just above the screw on ring, i rate them 17 curse words per gallon!!!

scared to death!!!!!
I never thought about it until this thread. I must have 7 or 8 around here.