How much cash have you lost by accident?

I had a great night bartending one night and went out with a little over $400 in my wallet. Since I was driving a Jeep without the top on, I decided it was safer to keep the money on me. Whomever stole my wallet that night had a great night on me :mad:
left my wallet on top of my vehicle while pumping gas one day. My mother-in-law was the manager at the gas station, so she pulled up the survelliance video and sure 'nuff I went driving away with the wallet on the roof.

Sad thing is, it was before I setup automatic deposit for work and I had just come from cashing my check at the bank and lost about $1200. I just hope that someone that REALLY needed it found it considering no one ever contacted me (imagine that) but it was my fault for being a dumbass.

Soon as I found out I went flying down the highway like a bat outta hell, I think the fastest I went was 104 in rush hour traffic...that was so stupid. Not sure which action was more dumb (but I don't need you guys telling me which haha)
dont think Ive ever lost money (knock on wood)...

When I find lost wallets, I always attempt to give them back. Hopefully if/when I lose mine someone does the same. I found an Ipod Nano at the bus stop in Boone a few months ago and I'll be damned if I didnt try to get that thing back to its owner. Proved to be basically impossible. Definitely remember to register those things!
My wife forced me to throw my single away after 2yrs. To tell the truth, I had no real reason to hold onto it. I was at a large city rock festival 4yrs ago when my brother and friends found me on a sidewalk in the arms of a large black woman. I was completely & comfortably passed out. They claimed that I only had one flop when the found me, I loved that pair and have never seen another like them.
I have a thing for Reefs, beside the fact that they always have the BEST ad in Surfer Magazine. I wore the same pair out tonite that I bought in the summer of '97 and left them at the Hatteras light house the day after I bought them. We went back at first light to check the surf and someone had set them on top of a trash can there, me nor my friends will ever forget that as long as we live. We were well into a half gallon of Rum when I realized it the night before and could not have crawled back there to get them. The good ole days:rolleyes:

Let me know if you head to the beach this year. :beer: