how to make lift bigger


New Member
Mar 3, 2013
High Point nc
i have a 04 nissan xterra that has a 3 inch suspension lift on it. I want it lifted so much higher but i dont know how to go about doing it. anyone have any suggestions? and the BL is out of the question
unless its a 05-06 or newer they dont make a lift bigger than three inches for the ifs i had a frontier and thats all you could get for it unless you get a body lift
yeah i know they dont make a bigger lift than 3 thats what i have on there now i just want to know how i could make it bigger. how would i go bout doing the axle and coils?
get out the cutting tourch and go to town on all the ifs crap... but if you know nothing about it I would suggest taking it to a fab shop close to you and let the pro's handle it. Like ecgs rides marsfab etc check the vendors section and make some phone calls and get more of an idea. You can have it done on a budget or drop 10k with all new parts and go fast stuff.

sent from deep space via galaxy S 2
damn im just looking for like 3 more inches and wasnt planning on spending a whole lot of money
About the only way you can do that is a body lift. Doing a solid axle swap by your self is not going to be expensive but gotta buy an axle steering shocks springs etc. And what ever parts your donor axle needs. So in the neighborhood of $1500 if you a thrifty maybe less.

sent from deep space via galaxy S 2
Do you want the lift to make the vehicle taller or tire clearance? Have you considered looking into fender flares? IDk what the after market is on an Xterra but if your a crafty fellow cut out some fender and attach new bling bling fender flares a little higher. seen it done on super duties might could work in your application. hope this helps
As you've seen, there isn't a bunch of aftermarket support for Nissans (especially compared to Jeeps or 'Yotas). Your options are limited and usually result in paying for something that may or may not be exactly what you want (, calmini/,, etc) or fabbing it yourself.

Two websites that I've found useful are & if you haven't already found them. They are nissan specific & Barry (AKA - NissanNut) is a great guy to email for questions.

Barry's 3-link SAS build of a frontier to give you an idea of what's involved -

You can check out my build if you want to swing by Concord or check out the link in my signature. However, I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as some of the members/vendors/fabricators on here!