How to reinforce frame around steering case?


New Member
Sep 7, 2007
Cherry Point, NC
On my Chevy truck, the addition of 38.5x16x15 big ass mud tires has put such a strain on the steering box, that it has broken the frame on all 3 sides. On closer inspection, I noticed that it had been welded before but they did a bad job on it. Now that its broken completely, I literally can't steer at all. I need some info on how to box the frame and how to do it well, so this doesn't happen while going 70 down the interstate or anything.
I normally stock a frame repair kit for this. Give me a call at 910-326-2881, Bob. Most od the old chevys we lift over 6 inches, I try to recommend this kit be added before the frame does break.
How hard of a job is this? I've never done anything like this before, and I don't wanna be kicking myself later down the road for doing it wrong. And as far as a brace goes for strengthening the frame in that spot, are they generally one-size-fits-all as far as older 1/2 ton truck frames go?
Semper Fi!
If you go to that link above, you'll see 2 options. You need the weld in kit, to repair the damage. It requires welding, so you need access to a welder. Good luck.