How To Remove Stereo From Tuffy Console???


New Member
Apr 5, 2007
Greenville, NC
I recently purchased my '99 TJ with a Tuffy Stereo Security Console...this one... ....and need to replace the stereo that is in it. I can't figure out how to get the radio out of the console. I looked at the installation instructions on Tuffy's site, but not much help. If anyone has installed or removed a radio from one of these consoles, please let me know how to do it.

It is a Sony with CD player and detachable face plate...never paid much attention to the model....if it matters, I can post the model # latter.
not sure on sony, but UglyJeepOffroad may have a trick for you. He knows this stuff pretty well. I know some you can take two pieces of Coat hanger, bend them into a U shape and insert into holes in the corner of the stereo behind the face plate and pull the stereo out. Others have a key type tool that you do pretty much the same thing with.
some of the Tuffy consoles have a rail system that bolts the stereo into the console, and removing the radio is only done through unbolting the console and removing the DIN screws from the back
SkyHiK5 is correct, you will need to remove the console, then look through the bottom, you'll see the metal tab that the stereo is bolted to.
That console is spec'ed as using "DIN" mounting. That's typically the cage-type installation. ISO-DIN would be where the radio bolts to rails on the side. That's not to say there isn't a strap with a bolt going from the back of the radio to the console somewhere inside, though. However, I would try to key it out before removing the console. I tried searching for a picture of the keys, but came up with nothing. Remove the faceplate, then gently pry off the trim ring around the radio. You will see the flange of the cage. There will be gaps in the cage on the sides of the radio, halfway up the cage. You need to slide a piece of flat stock into those gaps and lift the radio out. The flat stock will release the barbs that hold the radio in place. You'll probably have to use a pick or something to hook the radio in the CD slot to lift it up. If you want to reuse this radio, be gentle! If you feel the barbs release, but still can't get the radio out, then it's probably bolted in from the back, and you will have to remove the console.

Some older Sony's had the keyholes near the corners on the top and bottom of the radio, but it's doubtful you've got one of those. I haven't seen them in a long time.

The other option would be to go by a local stereo shop or Circuit City/Best Buy and ask them if you can borrow the installation keys for that radio. They should have some back there and be happy to lend them to you. This makes removal much easier, as they have provisions in them to lift out the radio when it releases. You just push them in until you feel it release, then pull up.

If you pull the trim ring and see no cage around the radio, then you've got an ISO-DIN mounted radio. Pull the console, that's the only way you'll get it out.
Well, I got it out last night. Took the console out, and still had to use the 2 keys to get the radio out. Good thing my new radio is a sony too, so I had the correct keys to pull it out. Thanks for the help.