HP D60 locker recommendations


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Oct 22, 2005
What you you all recommend for a D60 front locker, besides a ARB, which is out of the budget at this time? Thanks
Steve, I am running a detroit, but, from what I have seen, if I had to buy again, I would go with a Lock-rite myself.
I got a loc-rite from Chase at ECGS. It works great in my suburban, I think the price was reasonable. The only down is sometimes I have to get off the skinny pedal to turn.
Is the ARB worth the cash? The on and off would be nice for steering and could keep you from killing a shaft in certain instances. I'm running a welded dif and it sucks only hydro....might not be as much of an issue when I go to full hydro.
my lock rite has worked well. not too bad on the steering either.
Don't have any complaints about mine yet and I can't even tell its there when I'm steering.
dana 60 front lockrights are a good bet. They allow you to steer.... The carrier is strong enough to support it......the price is right.....you don't ruin a carrier by welding.....easy to replace pins.
Thanks everyone. Lock Right it is :beer:
What is the price on a lockrite for a chevy 60? I think an ARB is like 750 without the compressor
Yea Brian, PM's in motion. By the way, I tore the axle down Saturday afternoon and man, some of the bolts were 30 years stubborn to say the least. New parts on the way :driver: