HR1581 ‘Wilderness and Roadless Area Release Act of 2011”


Sep 28, 2009
Concord, NC

I received this in email from



Great News for all of us who care about access to public lands, helping our economy, jobs and improving forest health.
Congressman Kevin McCarthy recently introduced his ‘Wilderness and Roadless Area Release Act of 2011” HR1581 into the House of Congress to release lands, which decades ago were determined by the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management to be unsuitable for Wilderness designation. This legislation fully embodies both recreation and stewardship, something we believe most reasonable people will join us in heartily supporting.

  • This important bill would release millions of acres of lands which have been needlessly restricted for 20 years, because the public had not spoken up and demanded their release.
  • These lands have a rich history of Multiple Use and contain mines, cabins, developed campgrounds, roads and trails
  • These lands once again will provide places for families to recreate, camp, mountain bike, dirt bike, 4x4, hunt and fish.
  • These lands will again be actively managed as needed to promote forest health and prevent unnatural wildfires.
  • These lands will once again provide jobs and income to local economies.
  • This bill will stop the BLM from designating "Wild Lands", which would be de facto Wilderness, without public or Congressional approval
Decades are a long time to keep lands lock up for no valid reason. Now is the time for you, your family and friends to speak up and support this important and long overdue legislation. It will only take Two Minutes, but will make a difference.

Please do three simple things today to help ensure this bill passes

1) Take TWO MINUTES to Send a Letter Telling Congress to Pass HR1581 ‘Wilderness and Roadless Area Release Act of 2011”
Just click on the link and send your letter

2) Call to Ask if your Congressman Supports this Important Bill

In order to get this important bill passed your Congressman needs to hear from you, so he/she will know that you want them to support it. This will only takes a few minutes, they will be happy to hear from you and you will feel good about doing your part and taking back your government.

First look at the list below of Congressman supporting this important bill and if your Congressman is not listed then it is vital that you call them and urge them to-
Support HR1581 ‘Wilderness and Roadless Area Release Act of 2011”

If your Congressman is listed then please call them and thank them for their support .
Current cosponsors: Reps. Rob Bishop, Ken Calvert, Jason Chaffetz, Mike Coffman, Jeff Denham, Elton Gallegly, Bob Goodlatte, Dean Heller, Wally Herger, Duncan Hunter, Bill Johnson, Raúl Labrador, Jerry Lewis, Cynthia Lummis, Tom McClintock, Buck McKeon, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Kristi Noem, Devin Nunes, Stevan Pearce, Glenn Thompson, Scott Tipton
If you need to find out who your Congressman is then just click here and insert your zip code and then click on the Contact link to get their phone number.

3) Click on link at the bottom of this page to Forward To Your Friends

It does not get any easier than this to help reclaim your public lands for reasonable access and management
For more information you can read the HR1581 bill here
Here is additional Background Information

For decades all we have heard about are land closures and restrictions with devastating results for recreation, the economy and the environment. With your help that is about to change. Please Take Action Now.

These lands have a rich history of Multiple Use and contain mines, cabins, developed campgrounds, roads and trails. This bill will allow future generations access to enjoy our history and the great outdoors.

Save The Trails have been working with Congressman McCarthy to develop this legislation over the past year and now we are providing you with an easy and effective way to make this bill a reality. Save The Trails is funded purely by donations from people like you. We need your support so that we can keep fighting to keep your public lands open. Please make a Donation so we can Save The Trails

~Chris Horgan and your friends at Save the Trails