humble beginnings of automotive legends


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
this weekend at Latta Plantation was a WW2 reenactment. Kinda neat seeing the roots of such legends. my GPW on left beside a MB- granddaddy of the jeep
GPW and MB.jpg

My GPW behind a Kubelwagon - granddaddy of the beetle. the shifter even says VW on it. cool
GPW and kubelwagon.jpg
One of our guys in the 26th N.C. works at Latta and sets up the events.His name is matt waistner and just had his rotator cup in a shoulder repaired so I don't know if he was even there or not.He does British Airborn as does a few other members of my regiment plus a few from the 49th N.C. that brigade with us.
he wasn't there and because he was out- I had one heckova time getting in as Im not part of the reenactors. last year I ran into the reenactment and they invited me this year. the guy covering for Matt said since I wasn't part of their deal and not covered under their insurance that I couldn't come. A quick mention of MVPA membership changed things for the better.
I ran into a guy Matt Parris? (from Rock Hill) do you know him?- I need to contact him.
If you ran into Matt ran into alot of guy. He was doing Brit. Airborn? He pulls duty as the 49th N.C. too. I believe he has a Facebook acount.Might can get touch with him there.

You heard the term " can't un-see something once you see it"? I got one of those moments involving Matt paris in one of the smaller buildings at Latta a bunch of us crashed in a couple of years ago when it was a rainy weekend.
yeah Matt is cool, he and I were going to do some parts/info swapping. I don't do ANY social media besides this place, so Im struggling to find him.
so whats the deal with the reenactors, how does that all work? is it club based? I just want to show whenever I can and I get the cold shoulder unless Im 'affiliated'. parades are altogether different. they let me in free most time - Charlotte wants $250 so screw that, Im not driving behind all those damn twerking south charlotte 'dance teams' yuk
I just checked and Mathew paris is on facebook. I don't have any other contact out of seeing each other at reenactments but I'll see if I can't get word to him...IM me some contact info for you.