Humming/Vibrating in 01 XJ after lift


Active Member
Mar 28, 2016
2001 XJ, I had a roaring sound before the lift, changed out both front hubs, and fixed the problem. Wheel bearings were shot. No more noise.. Did a 3.5" lift and 31's, then I had a variable humming and vibrating after 50-55mph, while on the gas, or holding at any speed over 50. Replaced the rear pinion gear, and u joint at the rear dif, noise and vibrating isnt as loud but is still there. Did a 1" transfer case drop, hoping that would fix it and it didnt change anything. A local jeep shop told me he thought it was the u joints on the front drive shaft and if I took it out and went down the road that it would most likely not have that noise.. But Im wondering how it could be causing the noise while in 2wd and on the gas being there isnt any load put on it?

Guess I should take that out and drive to see if that is the issue. Anyone else have any ideas? Its driving my crazy!
It doesn't have to have load to make noise or a vibration. It's still spinning while you are driving whether it has load or not. I understand where you are coming from if it only does it under acceleration though. I don't understand what you mean by replaced the rear pinion gear. Did you replace the ring and pinion? Could be your tires. How about the rear axle bearings?