Hurricane Creek


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2010
Newport, TN
Went through the Hurricane Saturday and seen that the Forestry service had done a lot of work in there. Does this mean that they are going to keep it open now or are they about to logg it? I seen were there were a lot of trees with red paint on them.
Also, I live in Cocke County, TN and I have noticed that the further east you go in NC the more that gates are open in the national forest during the summer; like fire tower road in hotsprings or the one close to wearsvally. Back 15 years ago almost all of the old logging roads on the NC/TN line were open but now there gated up or have signs with hefty trespassing fine signs on them. Is there anyone who someone can talk to to get them open in at least the summer? Is it possible for one man to get this done?
See my post (6/08) about HCreek. I got my information from two guys I ran into fishing there. I'm unsure about the red paint but the trail is turned into a road....