HVAC guys, got a quick question.


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2005
Pfafftown, NC
I just had my heat pump and handler replaced. I've never liked my return system. It's an attic vent in the hall, 16" flex duct routed overhead, through my closet, squeezed between floor joists, then hung in a lowish basement where I can bump into it all the time. I want to move it, but the only easy, out of the way solution we could come up with is a floor vent at the top of the stairs. This would likely require me to "pan off" a small section of joists. Two sections wide, about 30" long, give or take. I'd paint the entire wood area with mastic and seal the pan tight to the wood with foam or great stuff. I plan on doing it as right as possible, although I understand it doesn't necessarily meet code. It would cut down on my return length by about 30', though, and eliminate a couple of restrictions where it's squeezed.

Question: Am I stupid for even considering this? I can't find another single spot in this house where I could route it without more issues than I've already got with my current return. Thanks.
With out seeing it with my own eyes i can't give you a definite yes or no to you being stupid for considering, it sounds like you have the right idea, use insulated paning metal a bucket of mastic on all joints where it would be "return", screws or roofing nails to secure the pan and a quality floor grill will work, is it a single floor with a basement? where is the air handler located, if you have a spare closet instead of the floor i would put a stack head with a wall grill in the desired area.
It's a ranch on a basement. The location I'd like to put it is almost directly above the return box and close to the center of the house. Moving it here would cut about 30' off the return line. I'd be getting rid of this:


And moving it here:


All plumbing, wiring, and the flexible send would be moved to make room and make sure I can seal it completely. It will span two joists. The grate will straddle the one visible to the right of the flex line. Alternately, I'd be happy to box out the area with 2x10s so I could drop an actual return box under the floor and eliminate the panning altogether. I tried to get a pic of the monstrosity that is currently the return line taking up space in my house. It looks like the escape chute for when the mothership lands.


That tube would go almost straight up to the new location if I go this route. I couldn't find another suitable location. All closet space (what little there is in this house) is needed, and any of those would make it more cumbersome in the basement.
MAN! That Doesn't Suck! Did the HVAC Co. Not, recommend changing most of your system? Even the one supply line shown [flex crap], is crimped, by the hanger! My Ranch w/basement, has the single return, in the Hall wall, in the center of the house. The 12"x18" return, comes from the bottom of the air handler,up & into a bedroom closet, by way of 2 - 90 degree turns. Hall grill opening & filter is app. 22"x 26". Bout the only place flex works, is in an attic, laying flat,with no kinks!
We discussed it, but were more concerned about getting the 13 year old Rheem unit that had crapped the bed replaced before we froze to death. We talked about them coming back and dealing with it at a later date or me handling it on my own, which is more our budget now. This house wasn't designed for central air, and there aren't a lot of options for relocating the vents. I hate the attic return, though, and the way it comes through my closet. If you could see how convoluted it is other places, you'd be shocked.
It's not against code to put your return in the floor at all I have two houses w/ them in the floor. The last one I did back in the summer. Just frame a return box out of 1/2 or larger OSB. You will want your filter to set in it vertically cause I have one horizontal and it catches all the dirt.
You will probably not like the grate in the floor. You will tend to step around it in the hallway.
You will also have to explain to your wife ten times why she can't just put a rug over it. lol
the 2x10 framing and a rafter in the middle is ok, think filter covering it as well as supporting the grill from bending, if you feel comfortable doing the work than rock on with it,, just make sure all the joints are sealed on the duct as well, and like lockedup said, no carpets....good luck, PM me if you have any other questions
also what ton unit is it, that determines your grill size.....(ton)x400=cfm..........(grill length x grill width)x2=cfm make sure grill cfm is equal to or greater than unit cfm, there is such a thing a to little return, but no such thing as to much return air
Having the return in the ceiling works better for a/c because it will pull the warmer air off the ceiling. The cold air wants to stay low while the warmer air rises. You will pickup more dirt in a floor return so filter type and replacement schedule becomes more important.