HVAC repair man recommendation


Dipstick who put two vehicles on jack stands
Mar 21, 2005
Oak Ridge/Stokesdale, NC
Need an HVAC repair man recommendation for the Oak Ridge/Stokesdale area. The drain pipe seems to be clogged.

Not having good luck with Stokesdale Heating and Air. They were suppose to be at the house at 8am this morning, and still haven't showed. They also haven't answered the phone for the last 1.5 hrs, so they are out.
Take your air line and blow that line out...thats all an HVAC comapny is going to do for the clogged line. Its better to blow it towards the outside but sometimes they will blow both ways to clear a tough one.
Id just use a water hose....
They finally showed up at 3pm, and supposedly vaccumed out the drain line. I'm really looking for a company to sign a yearly service contract with to come out and service the system twice a year so crap like this doesn't happen.
Maintenance on these things are so easy a caveman can do it.