Hydraulic Clutch


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Kings Mountain,NC
Just really started looking into this setup for my sm465. Does anyone have a list of parts that I can buy from a local parts store? Or is it just easier to buy a kit and if so from who? Thanks for the help
I just replaced one on a 87ish chev 2500, got mstr cyl and slv cyl for around 50 bucks total for pair @ o'really auto. A knowledgeable sales person should be able to hook you up. My parts were in stock. Hyd line is routed over the motor and creates a air pocket makes it a bitch to bleed. I took the line off of the slave cyl and placed my finger over it while someone slowly pushed in the clutch until I got good fluid flow@ slave cyl. Another route would be wwwextremecustomparts.com they sell complete units just make sure tou get enough hyd line for your application. Good Luck!