Hydro Assit Problem


Oct 29, 2014
Stokesdale Nc
So I've searched and searched and havent found a answer yet. I have a 97 Jeep Cherokee 4.0 lifted 10 inches on 39's
Well I would get death wobble bad because of my worn gear box having so much play in it. So I decided I'll order a remand box, tap it and add hydro assist to help with the big tires.

Disassembled my box drilled and tapped
Reassembled and bled the whole system..

Here's my problem I go and rev it the whole steering spins to the right. I got amazing assist to the right, turning left feels like 10% assist....ive pretty much think I have to much pressure on one side causing it to always spin to the right.... Did I do something wrong inside the box or what. Any input will be welcome.

Thanks Brandon
I reverse the lines to make sure and it puts my whole steering into a bind so I know I have every thing place right, I have a huge feeling its in the box but without knowing what the problem is I don't wanna tear into it again and have all my ball bearings go everwhere to have it do it again when I reassemble it.
I went to tractor supply to try to find something to cap off my lines, but I couldn't find anything........And it was as soon as you start the jeep it would start spinning to the right but now I start it, it'll hold straight but no sooner than I just bump the steering wheel to the right it just start forcing itself the whole steering to the right. Thats why Im really pointing to the gear box, but Im not sure what seal or piece I need to look for...... I been looking at diagrams but Im just not seeing i....Ill probably tear it down today and see if I see anything out of place if I get the time.

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So I pulled the box yesterday and I think I may have found my problem, I order new seal kit and I'm going to install it and hope for the best... Ill keep you posted if everything works as it should.... thanks for all the help


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