hydro steer question, ECGS


builds more then wheels
Feb 8, 2008
Bessemer City, NC
i have the east coast gear supply hydro assist set-up, its been sitting since christmas cause im to lazy to install it. hahah
well i started messing with it and remembered that i need 2 parts that tap the box

does any one know what they are called? what size they are?
they are the pieces that have a pipe thread on one end and some kind of fitting on the other. link would be great
Ya and buy some caps to keep in your truck in case you bust a line. JIC 6 is the size fitting. I got mine from Cline hose in Greenville, SC
Do you mean the tap itself? Tap both holes first, grind a little off the bottom of the tap, then tap it deeper so the fitting has more "bite". They sell a bottoming tap but it's basically what I stated above. Use the right size bit and grease or vaseline on the bit/tap to get most of the shavings out, then flush it good.

metto is correct on the fitting, elbow works better than a straight.