hydro steering questions


New Member
Aug 1, 2006
I ask here because I know of the pool of experts or at least self proclaimed experts in the field.

my sittuation is this. I am not building a rig. what I am building is my 4th generation paintball tank. the design requries the engine to be rear mounted. and since the tanks by rules ar not allowed to move over 5 MPH on the field my plan was to simply take our Base frame and simply flip the frame front to rear and use Reverse as foward and D1 as reverse. this puts the steered axel in the rear advantagious becase it thurs the vehicle into an extreamly quick turning vehicle like a fork lift) the driver is still in the front and my plan was to simply do away with all the steering componets and use a valve like what alot of rear steer convirtions use to be the steering input. the set up will be totaly hydro. not assist. is this possible? I am sure that I will have to have coustom hoses made up which is fine...some one educate me please...thsi is not a question of what I can build I have built MANY competant rock crawlers and tanks. Fab skils are not in question
Its possible, with hydraulic's you can put the steering controls anywhere. Sounds like you need to find a junk forklift and get the orbital valve off it. What are you using for a motor? If it has a power steering pump, you can run it with that.
u may not even need a orbital if u can tap your power stering box ... if it has one then run your lines from that to the steering cylinder like assist without the pitman arm...
Sure.. VERY simple. single ended ram with the right amount of throw, dual acting valve, and some lines. Surplus center appears to have most fo what you need..