Our open enrollment just finished up, and cost goes up $20/month next year, coverage is mostly the same, deductible goes up a couple hundred bucks, and the company puts a couple hundred less in the HSA than last year. Overall no big changes, but its just progressively worse every year.
I've got a stack of bills here for $28,000 to fix a disclocated thumb with 4 pins. Insurance "discount" is around $10k, UHC is paying $12k, and once it's all said and done, I'm coming out of pocket just under $6000.
But considering I've paid somewhere north of $10k/year in health insurance for at least the last 6 years, thats $60k I've paid in, and I've cost them less than $25k total including the birth of a child, so they've still made out like a bandit. j
The problem is not the doctors, or the hospitals, or the big medical companies, or the insurance companies, or obamacare, medicaid, or medicare, or <insert name of evil medical related entity>; it's all of it combined and the number of people it takes for all the handoffs and record keeping and ass covering and profit making. Too many layers. A true government run healthcare system would at least be more cost effective because it would eliminate 2 or 3 of those layers. But simply adding an additional layer in the form of obamacare to regulate/tax an existing system and create additional government jobs only adds cost and complexity, with no benefit to the consumer. It's just dumb.