i laughed


get your shift together
Mar 13, 2010
Raleigh, NC
over the weekend, our 3 year old grand daughter was walking around talking on her cell phone(old phone that still powers up for her games), she is carrying on a conversation.
her mother asks her who is she talking to, her response was "jake".
she then asks, who is "jake" ?
without a pause, our grand daughter replies, "jake from state farm"
Winnar...I absolutely lose it when that commercial comes on, I would have been rolling on the floor gasping for air with uncontrollable laughter had a 3 year old fed me that line.
It's allllll fun and games unless your name is Jake.

Guess what my name is.... :rolleyes: It'd be more coincidental and a little funnier if I dealt with State Farm, but I have Farm Bureau :D
"Well she sounds hideous"

(Jake, not your granddaughter, she sounds adorable)
Yeah, yeah...I get that allll the time :flipoff2: