One of my buddys just offered me his 99(new bodystyle) Jetta 2.0, 5 speed for 500 bucks. He had been havening some electrical issues with it for a few months. He replaced the plugs/wires and coil but the voltage either comming in or out of the coil isn't right. It also has a drain on the charging system. He got in it the other day to drive it and the battery was dead. He hit the rearview mirror and it busted the windshield all to shit. He ranted on about how it would cost like 600 bucks to fix that and that he was tired of working on it. So he said....500 bucks and it's yours. I found a company that will come out and install a windshield for 250. I now need a good vw mechanic to fix it's electrical issue. Anyone know of one?