i got my cdl when i worked for southeastern frieght as a mechanic. i had to do all the main arrangements myself because i was a mechanic not a driver trainee. you don't have to work for a company or take driver training school. this is what you do.
1. go to your local dmv office and request a cdl book. it is free.
2. read the damn book. i repeat read the damn book. i thought i was the man because i had been to school to be a truck technican and had worked on then for a few years so i thought i knew everything. i ended up failing the general knowledge test the first time.
3.go to your doctor and get your DOT phyiscal. it costs like $95. you will have to get this again every two years.
4. after you read and study the book, go take the test. it is then you have to decide what type of license you will get (class b-straight truck, class a-multi piece vehicle aka tractor trailer) and what endorsments you want. you have to pay the fee for getting your permit and for each additional endorsment.
(note: if you get hazardous materials endorsment you will have to register with government and get fingerprinted. im not making this up)
4. after you pass that you will get a cdl permit. this means you can drive a truck with any cdl licensed person.
5. now here is the tricky part. you have a good friend with a cdl and a truck? if not you need to find one. with your licensed freind and his truck you will need to drive to the dmv. i had to schedule an appointment for mine. then you will back a trailer through and obstacle course and ride with the dmv officer on the road. DO EVERYTHING BY THE BOOK. you will also have to pass a pre-trip inspection test. this is pretty much point and identify different parts on the truck.-once agian reference book.
6. after that they give you a cdl (if you pass obviously) and you will be driving
this all works if you already know how to drive a truck. if you have access to a truck you should practice before you do your driving test. if you have any questions let me know.