I've had some really strange things happen, + been told various things! It's hard to know what is right. First, my boat, that I bought in 07, had been serviced, carbs & fuel pumped cleaned, by a Marine mechanic. Ran great for about 3 weeks, & then died. Took it back, & the mechanic found the entire fuel system, full of black powder! Ethanol,had eaten the Old fuel lines. I have a John Deer rider, 1989 year. It does have a plastic fuel tank, & I changed the fuel filter, 2 years ago, because I never had. None of the fuel lines, or carburetor, have ever been touched, & I run 87 octane! Had a problem with putting old 87 octane gas,in my New Stihl chainsaw. Stihl dealer told me I had ruined it & it had low compression. Both he & my owners manual, say to run 89 octane, & THEIR synthetic fuel oil mix, for warranty. And the Hardware/dealer, sell Star bright-Star*Tron enzyme fuel treatment!. Said to be much better than sta-bil [which he called useless]. After running a heavy mix of the Enzyme fuel treatment, with 93 octane, my "RUNIED" saw, runs just fine! So much for Him
. Now, a lot of people say that besides eating up rubber, the reason you can't "store" gas,more that 2-3 weeks, is the ethanol evaporates out, taking the octane with it =dead gas. As for it causing corrosion, [new one on me] Sta-bil, has a new Sta-bil 360,out, & their saying it vaporizes in your tank, coating & protecting it!?? I've run my small engines, out of gas, before storing them, & still have carburetor problems = stuck needle, clogged passages.
More & more, stores are selling Premium ethanol gas. I've also been told that BP s, mid-grade, in SC, is ethanol free > go figure?