I never liked Chapel Hill, anyway

You say that now. But after you get stung in the neck by 500 killer african bees.... who knows....
Texting while driveing is just stupid and I would not mind an all out cellphone ban, I'm tired of idiots who sit and yak while they have plenty of space to turn right or left at stoplights or stopsigns, w folks waiting in line behind them:kaioken: ...... I would get to work or home faster for sure!..........However I also believe it would be about impossible to enforce such a ban :shaking:
Texting while driveing is just stupid and I would not mind an all out cellphone ban, I'm tired of idiots who sit and yak while they have plenty of space to turn right or left at stoplights or stopsigns, w folks waiting in line behind them:kaioken: ...... I would get to work or home faster for sure!..........However I also believe it would be about impossible to enforce such a ban :shaking:

I don't think it would be impossible to ban, just not a very good ratio of tickets handed out. It's easy to see folks on their phone, but for every 25 or so people I see on their phone, I see maybe one cop. Now factor in the number of folks with hands free devices, I'd bet it's 100:1. Then factor in obstructed views via dark tint or folks that are crafty at hiding their usage. I would venture a guess for every few hundred folks carrying on a phone conversation there's one cop. Then factor in the probability of the cop being in the right place at the right time or if he cares enough to go through the trouble. I like the idea of a ban, but figure effectiveness would be negligible.

I seem to remember a law about the time I was getting my drivers license, that banned teen cell phone use while driving, and over the couse of a year, something like 25 tickets were handed out state wide. No proof or documentation, but that sticks out in my mind for some reason.
I don't think it would be impossible to ban, just not a very good ratio of tickets handed out. It's easy to see folks on their phone, but for every 25 or so people I see on their phone, I see maybe one cop. Now factor in the number of folks with hands free devices, I'd bet it's 100:1. Then factor in obstructed views via dark tint or folks that are crafty at hiding their usage. I would venture a guess for every few hundred folks carrying on a phone conversation there's one cop. Then factor in the probability of the cop being in the right place at the right time or if he cares enough to go through the trouble. I like the idea of a ban, but figure effectiveness would be negligible.

I seem to remember a law about the time I was getting my drivers license, that banned teen cell phone use while driving, and over the couse of a year, something like 25 tickets were handed out state wide. No proof or documentation, but that sticks out in my mind for some reason.

Personal Liberties be damned.....
Driving w no regard for safety (or awareness) and wasting other drivers time because your lost in your own world or phone conversation is not a personal liberty. It's selfish, inconsiderate, and just wrong........ and I said enforce and I ment stop this activity.....it won't happen no matter the penalties, just like DWIs.
its dangerous.

Seriously the crime there is bad dangerous driving, not the phone use. If someone drives dangrously pin their ass down, but dont make rules to penalize the rest of us.
Ron, I agree some can talk and drive well and safe, but it's the exception not the norm!....... inattention is my problem w the yak yak yak crowd I deal w daily.
folks that are crafty at hiding their usage.

Wonder how many more accidents happen because people are texting with their phone in their lap (out of sight) and so take their eyes off the road that much more frequently?

Driving w no regard for safety (or awareness) and wasting other drivers time because your lost in your own world or phone conversation is not a personal liberty. It's selfish, inconsiderate, and just wrong........ and I said enforce and I ment stop this activity.....it won't happen no matter the penalties, just like DWIs.

If they're shitty drivers whether they are on the phone or talking to a passenger or singing to the radio or eating french fries... they are shitty drivers, period.

If someone waits more than 3 seconds when the light changes and you're on the horn just because they're twisting your panties and you should've left the house 5 minutes earlier, anyway... well, no one needs to be in quite that big of a hurry. Personally, I'm a happier person when I don't sweat the small stuff. And I still sweat the small stuff quite a bit. :lol:
Driving w no regard for safety (or awareness) and wasting other drivers time because your lost in your own world or phone conversation is not a personal liberty. It's selfish, inconsiderate, and just wrong........ and I said enforce and I ment stop this activity.....it won't happen no matter the penalties, just like DWIs.

Right... but you're not talking about the same thing. Inattentiveness is inattentiveness, regardless of the cause. You want to ban cell phones because you don't like how other people drive. That's not a cause and effect.
If you have to hold it to your ear, that leaves one hand to steer, hold your cig, lapdog, sammich, beer, SODA:lol: etc., so now you cannot/do not use your turn signal, can't stay in your lane, turn 90 degrees (like an intersection) etc. Bad drivers are made much worse by cellphone use. I see people texting all the time too on I-40 doing 70+ mph, swerving like drunks. They usually look inteligent and drive nice new cars.
You're not having the same conversation. You're using your own anecdotal experiences to talk about how you think handheld cell phone use impedes a driver's abilities. Scientific studies demonstrate a different correlation -- that cell phones are not unique in any way as "distractions", that holding the phone vs using a hands-free device makes no difference in attentiveness, and that the mental difficulty actually stems from *holding a conversation* rather than anything specifically to do with the phone.

The town of CH is saying something else entirely, in that *no one* should use *any* cell phone. Handheld, bluetooth, or otherwise. Facts be damned.
This ban will be almost impossible to enforce. First if an officer writes a citation to someone for this ban he has to be able to prove that this person was in fact talking on a phone. Second its nearly impossible to prove because in the great state of north carolina if an officer asks you if he can look through your cell phone and you tell him no then he cannot look through it unless he gets a search warrant, and 99% of the time a magis trate is not going to issue a search warrant just because an officer feels like a person was talking on their phone. Third the ban states that chapel hill police CANNOT stop someone just because they are talking on a phone, this ban is a secondary offense which means you have to violate another traffic law i.e. speeding, failure to signal lane change, before being stopped and issued a citation for this. So as long as you can maintain safe driving habits while talking on a phone then you shouldn't have any problems.

I can tell you this, chapel hill is the first city with this ban but they will not be the last. The charlotte area is already working on something similar and have been for a while, they just cant get enough support to push it through, as with lots of other towns im sure.

Just my .02 Im hoping its a long time before something this retarded reaches my city, until then ill be :driver: and talkin on my phone!! :gitrdun: