I went to school with the Eyedrop killer


DEI Hire
Mar 24, 2005
Stanley, NC
Death by Visine? Man accused of killing wife via eye drops

He was a nice guy back in the day. Saw him about 2 years ago out and about somewhere. Didn't seem like he had changed. Then I saw on Facebook that his wife died, and felt awful for him and his girls. But just a couple months later he already had a new girlfriend and it struck me as exceptionally soon. One of my best friends was really good friends with him in school and said a lot of things have kind of clicked and connected dots about past behaviors. I'm sure there will be a lot more to the story as it unravels.

Please pray for both families and the little girls, as I can't imagine what they must be going through.
If he admits he was in the room w/ her when she died, she had 40 times a normal level of the drug in her system w/ heart issues known to him and a $250,000 life insurance policy....my University of Dateline NBC law degree says that’s a lot of good circumstantial evidence to convict.

Sad for the kids for sure though.
Weird, This story hit on Wednesday Genealogy testing links suspect to 1991 cold case, ‘series’ of sex assaults
I've known Kevin since high school and see him several times a year because he has a nursery and a landscape company and we work in a lot of the same areas. I knew he got in trouble and went to prison after school but in talking to him it was all B & E related and he changed his life, hence his company name New Life Nursery and Landscaping. This assault happened after he got out of prison and from what I have read he will be linked to others before it's all over.
I've been in shock for a couple of days now. He was a friend, nicest guy you ever met. I'm also pissed at him because he has a family and employees that are affected too.
I also know a guy who worked with him (eye drop killer)! He's on here but probably does not want to make it known. A real sh!t storm so I've heard.
It's ironic, but I wonder if he burnt his house down for the insurance money, before he later apparently killed his wife for insurance money ...........
When reading the history of his family my mind went here also.
It's ironic, but I wonder if he burnt his house down for the insurance money, before he later apparently killed his wife for insurance money ...........
When reading the history of his family my mind went here also.
It's all but certain that he did. Along with MANY other things through the years. Like I said:
One of my best friends was really good friends with him in school and said a lot of things have kind of clicked and connected dots about past behaviors.
My oldest daughter went to school with the victim.
Small world...
Had a friend in HS kill his girlfriend, throw her body over a cliff (still alive) then go back and bury her in the rocks. He killed her after our Christmas party. He, his new girlfriend and I were working the night the body was found and the victims family came to serve justice. Police saved his life that night.
Here is a link to the court papers if you want the official story. It speaks of the victims family and his fear of them. They are legitimate Italian mob.

Opinion, Case No.22976 State of West Virginia v. Timothy Mark McKenzie