If you are considered "Essential" ....

We service fire extinguishers and Kitchen Fire Suppression. Considered "Essential" but most independent restaurants are choosing to push service back or are currently closed. All assisted living places are locked down to outside contractors. Not sure how we will proceed, just taking it day by day currently.
CFO, pharma plant...only about 5-10% of our business was hand sanitizer and soaps, in the last 8 weeks, that's turned in to about 40%. My R&D department keeps tweaking/adjusting various chemicals/compounds and submitting for covid reactions. My quality team and R&D techs are on partial loan to local distilleries to set them up for sanitizer production. Right now being pushed to up our standards to Rx products so we can 'help produce the cure'...but not sure that's a compliance game I want to play...Rx is a completely different ball game from OTC.
We service fire extinguishers and Kitchen Fire Suppression. Considered "Essential" but most independent restaurants are choosing to push service back or are currently closed. All assisted living places are locked down to outside contractors. Not sure how we will proceed, just taking it day by day currently.
Get Nelson to sub you out to come figure out where the short is in my suppression system he put in 2yrs ago :lol: Save his guys a few more trips from Statesville!
Pretty much everyone is digging and trying to prove how they are “essential” to keep making that dollar and stay in business.
Exactly. I'm just curious who actually got the ax other than hair cutters, restaurants and bingo halls.
So who on heres job isn't considered "essential"? It sure seems like if you try just a little, every job makes the cut as lenient as the requirements are.

Working on my third week of working from home. I was told not to come anywhere near the plant. The supervision is very concerned about the virus making its way into the production control rooms. I have been able to do 75% probably of my daily work. I work as an Engineer at the local chemical plant, currently supporting a coal fired power plant.
So who on heres job isn't considered "essential"? It sure seems like if you try just a little, every job makes the cut as lenient as the requirements are.

I'm not essential. My job isn't affected; I'm stuck working from home because our offices are closed and so are our clients/partners.
I am really re-thinking about whether I actually want to start building this garage soon though, with all this volatility everywhere.
So who on heres job isn't considered "essential"? It sure seems like if you try just a little, every job makes the cut as lenient as the requirements are.
Mine isn't. Lead scientist for Army Research Lab. I mean, us research guys literally argue all the time that research is essential to do, and generally its agreed by most people... but it isn't essential to keep life moving forward in the short term.
Yet, ironically, we're all still working at home. Just way less effective w/o access to a lab. In about a month we're going to hit a wall on how much forward progress we can make on our projects while being locked out.

So, summary - non-essential, but still working anyway.
Just way less effective w/o access to a lab. In about a month we're going to hit a wall on how much forward progress we can make on our projects while being locked out.

That's where I'm at right now too. I need tools and shiny things to fondle.
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Still working. Apparently environmental remediation and dam safety is essential. Most of our work is governed by regulatory deadlines, which haven’t been lifted. So we continue, just staying 6’ away from everyone else. :)
We got an interesting email from the post Hazardous Waste manager today, basically saying that all rules and regs, deadlines etc for collection and disposal were remaining in effect...., but enforcement and reprisal is being relaxed to "case by case as necessary".
Seeing as how all work has stopped its kind of irrelevant....
Motorola radio tech, mostly servicing public safety radios. I hear that our company has a lot of folks working from home, but damned if I can tell the difference when I walk in the shop.