Haha, that's good stuf there! I prob got frisky a little too soon myself, but I had to make sure the damn thing still worked.
We derailed the shit out of your thread @Andy J. ... sorry about that. Hopefully you got some knowledge and a good laugh out of some of it (I damn sure know I did).
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No need to apologize. This is probably the best thread I ever started, haha!
What sent me to the doc was 10 min of intense chest pain while I was at work. Been having some short ones that I gritted through, but this one scared me. I considered that I was having a heart attack, but that didn’t really seem plausible in my mind, so I didn’t call 911. Right after I made an appt to check out my heart and chest area with the internal doc. Two appts later, got the all clear on heart and lungs so I requested an ultrasound (at the suggestion of my wannabe Dr Wife). Results came back that I have ‘multiple’ 5-6mm stones in there.
@RatLabGuy You may have been joking, but can you actually do them both at the same time? Doesn’t a urologist usually do the snip and a general surgeon do gallbladder removal? It would be awesome to knock out two birds with these stones...