Ignition Problem


85 Yota on 36 tsl's
Jul 12, 2013
Iv got a 85 toyota pick up and sometimes after driving once it set for thirty min to an hour or so it dont want to crank. When you turn the key you can hear the starter in-gauging but it acts like it dose not have the power to turn the motor over. Leave it for about fifteen min after you try it and it cranks just fine.
Truck has new starter, alt, Newer batt and its not the switch its self

Any ideas?
forgot to put in post it has new cables as well
I would begin with a voltage drop test to both starter wires while the issue is occurring (key in start but no start). From there you can make a diagnosis. Another quick test would be a amp clamp to see what amperage the starter was pulling. It may not be electrical at all it may be mechanical.

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