I'm sure this is why some people on here are so pissy.

I can't believe he could do that comercial without laughing! Sad part is, some hypochondriach will think he has them and actually talk to his doctor about it. Sad that we live in a society where there is a pill for everything.
Well, you know only in america do we take a $hit, give people $hit, forget this $hit, use this $hit, and F*&$ this $hit! Heck, we've probably got a pill for this $hit!:lol:
Are pee hole spiders poisonus or not? The commercial did not say. This is vital info,that should be included. Please let me know. Spiders in the pee hole are one thing but if they are poisonus, well thats totaly different! Also, it seems like you should be able to lance them out or use some sort of baited trap to lure them out.Is the pill the only solution?

Are they related to the urethra fish of the tigris and nile rivers?