In cab fuel line recommendation? (RCI Fuel Cell)


Mall Crawling Race Rig
Oct 31, 2008
Mountain Island
I have an RCI fuel cell mounted up and I'm still getting fumes in the cab. Not the "oh it's an in-cab tank, you'll get some fumes" type of odor, but a pretty strong scent that can't be safe imho. I have triple checked the pump and seal around the pump (paper gasket, liquid gasket, then black RTV) and I'm sure I'm not getting odors from there. If you run your nose down the stainless braided fuel line you can smell it nearly all the way down.

These lines are brand new, but weren't that expensive from Summit, is it possible that they are the problem? Any suggestions on who to go with for better lines?

Pics of the setup:


Where does your vent line exit at?
On the phone with Summit and Earls (hose manufacturer) and I'm being told that these hoses are designed for race fuel. Earls just said that they have had several instances of pump gas causing the same issue I am having.

That would be fine if the website stated that, but it doesn't. It reads:

These high-temperature elastomeric auto-flex hoses are ideal for almost all street and marine applications, and many non-critical competition uses.

These auto-flex hoses are good for fuel, oil, water, and many other fluids.

I'm hoping Summit has a better suggestion. At this point, I don't care if it braided, steel, black, or whatever, I just want the smell gone. I'll update the thread so anyone who searches doesn't run into the same issue.
Summit suggested a teflon racing hose by Aeroquip. Sending it out today, I'll report back with how it works out.

I think he meant your gas cap. If it is vented you are going to smell it (and wear it if you roll over). If you run a sealed gas cap and run a seperate vent line down under the frame, you will be good. Be sure and put a roll over valve inline. I run a tiny K&N filter on mine to keep it from getting clogged with mud and :poop:. Some folks use a plastic fuel filter for this.
most hydraulic places have nice lines that are made for fuel, oil, etc. and are braided and rated for like 5500lbs. I'd trust that moreso than what Summit sells...