In House Laser Cut Gussets and Tabs!


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
Dothan, AL
In House Laser Cut Parts at Motobilt!


The new Amada laser is up and running at Motobilt! The preciision and speed of the new machine is amazing. We are thrilled with the quality of the cuts and the speed of production. This is fantastic for many reasons.
1. In house and American made!

2. Faster order fulfillment.

3. More new parts!

4. Lower prices!


We are pumping out a lot of new gussets and tabs currently. We have listed a lot of the gussets here!


Many of the tabs can be found [URL=""]Here!


We are releasing new products daily!!!!

If your company needs to outsource production we can handle that also. The new 8 axis press brake will be operational soon too!

Make sure you check out the website
With the new Amada laser and Amada 8 axis press brake we are increasing precision in our product line, adding a LOT more products, reducing ship times, and with all of this going we are dropping prices!!! Be sure to let us know what you need!!!