In need of a Toyota 22r mechanic near Fort Mill/Charlotte


Apr 21, 2011
CLT by way of HNL
I bought a 83 4x4 with crap motor a few month ago, pulled in out sent it to Poeats for a complete rebuild and now need a few hrs of help and expertise putting the final touches back on it, before it goes back in. I have the intake/exhaust manifolds on, front timing cover and some other stuff done. I need some one to help bolt up the clutch/flywheel/pressure plate (all new marlin crawler stuff) and also to help finishing some vacuum stuff (got a few block off plates for the EGR), as well as check things over before the valve cover goes back on.

If anyone is willing to help out for a decent rate or introduce me to someone who is the go to guy, that would be huge.

Looking to make a contact for occasional work on my truck as it continues to get built up. (twin sticks, locker installs, etc and some welding here and there).

Hope to have a more than capable truck again before summer time to do some wheeling. I just moved from HI not long ago and dont have the connections around here yet.

Im in Charlotte, near Fort Mill.

A Haynes manual will be your best friend. As for a shop, I would suggest MarsFab, Carolina Truggies, RIDES of Conover. There are a ton of yota nuts around the area too...
thanks SGTGREEN. I do some wrenching myself, but to expedite the process and get it done once, I am looking for a mobile toyota guy to come out and do several things.

anybody have any recommendations??? I hate to go to the yellow book and start pointing randomly and have 8 dbags come out until I get the right guy.
CMD Automotive is a good general mechanic shop on the southside of Charlotte.

Ask for Jim or Dwight.