greenlandmonster Member Joined Mar 21, 2005 Location Greensboro May 22, 2009 #1 Anyone know how to turn up the fuel.On a vacum controled Injector pump.I need to get more fuel for the turbo.The jeep just need more fuel.
Anyone know how to turn up the fuel.On a vacum controled Injector pump.I need to get more fuel for the turbo.The jeep just need more fuel.
BIGWOODY Well-Known Member Joined Mar 21, 2005 Location Thomasville May 22, 2009 #2 post a picture of the injection pump..if it has an altitude compensator on it (valve with a vacuum hose running to it) some have an adjustment screw on top...back it out for more fuel.
post a picture of the injection pump..if it has an altitude compensator on it (valve with a vacuum hose running to it) some have an adjustment screw on top...back it out for more fuel.